Hoda Kashiha's “In appreciation of Blinking” exhibition at Passerelle Centre D'art Contemporain


The French daily, Libération, contrasts the playful and chirping palette of Hoda Kashiha in “In appreciation of Blinking” exhibition at Passerelle Centre D'art Contemporain (February 18–May 14, 2022) with "the darkness that engulfs it. Black thus gradually spreads its veil over the series of eight canvases placed one behind the other on movable stands." The article in French, titled "Hoda Kashiha, pop arme" or "Hoda Kashiha, armed pop art," continues by describing the series of eight large paintings, "In the first, it is still broad daylight and the swarm of characters with cartoonish silhouettes are arguing, apologizing, hugging each other without worrying about the black band that bites the upper edge of their frame and which, in the last painting, wins the game, covering the entire surface. According to Hoda Kashiha, the decrescendo series, tries to reproduce the blink of an eyelid closing, but 'also deals with how we can be kidnapped, ignored, suppressed, executed, disappeared or censored by a power or the dead'." Click here to read it in full.

April 5, 2022
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