"How I Got Started" a Fereydoun Ave Interview

Canvas Magazine

In the latest issue of Canvas Magazine (Crafting the Contemporary, January February 2024), an interview with Fereydoun Ave titled “How I Got Started” was published (p.170-1).

Fereydoun Ave looks back at his lively career, during which he often mentored and supported younger artists by forming communities and collecting their works.

In the one-page interview, he describes his journey as starting with a departure from his family's wishes, choosing art over-engineering and studying at the Royal College of Art on scholarship. Upon returning to Iran in the 1970s, he found himself in a thriving cultural environment, initially working as a theatre designer. However, feeling unsatisfied with collaborative work, he turned to solo drawing. Following the revolution, he established an underground art scene and later expanded his influence to Dubai. He built his art collection by supporting emerging artists and emphasizing the importance of dedication and growth over chasing commercial success.

For more information click here.

March 18, 2024
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