"Some seasons: Fereydoun Ave and the Laal Collection, 1959-2019"

Art Jameel

 Art Jameel, an organisation that supports artists and creative communities, announces the opening of 'Some seasons: Fereydoun Ave and the Laal Collection, 1959-2019' (September 27, 2023 - March 24, 2024) at Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai’s hub for contemporary art and ideas.

Showcasing five decades of artist, curator, designer and collector Fereydoun Ave’s singular collection of modern and contemporary Iranian art, the group exhibition brings together over 37 artists and features paintings, sculpture, works on paper, and archival material as well as polaroid portraits of and by influential artists and cultural figures, providing a unique vantage onto the fascinating – and contested – cultural history of 20th and 21st century Iran.

 Originally conceived by the Carnegie Museum of Art for the 58th Carnegie International (September 24, 2022 - April 2, 2023), 'Some seasons: Fereydoun Ave and the Laal Collection, 1959-2019' is curated by Negar Azimi and Sohrab Mohebbi with Talia Heiman.

For more information, click here.

September 20, 2023
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