An Iranian Artist Focuses on Gardens Under Siege

The New York Times

In "An Iranian Artist Focuses on Gardens Under Siege," David Belcher reviews Homa Delvaray's latest exhibition for the New York Times. "The Garden of Desolation" opened May 18 and was on view until May 22, 2022. "A group of 15 works by the Iranian artist Homa Delvaray may steal the spotlight in the Frame section at Frieze New York this year," wonders Mr. Belcher. The article goes on to also cover Delvaray's work at No. 9 Cork Street Gallery in October in London last year. "Soft Edge of the Blade" was a Dastan Gallery gala prestentation of 27 Iranian artists at Frieze's Cork Street space in London. click here to read it in full.

May 18, 2022
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