Biggest-ever Art Dubai fair offers smoke machines, escapism and, of course, NFTs: here’s what sold so far

The Art Newspaper

The Art Newspaper offers an "analysis" of Art Dubai 2022, not failing to highlight the fair's new digital section. With a picture of Dastan's digital space at the fair, the newspaper sees, "All eyes were of course on Art Dubai’s new digital section, which is in a separate building to the rest of the fair, signposted by huge fluorescent green banners. Descending the escalators to this area is like walking into a teenage boy's bedroom: dark walls, neon lights, stale air and an unending number of screens in all directions. There is even a smoke machine at the entrance." Dastan participated in the digital section with works of Alireza Asadi Zendehjan and Yousha Bashir. To read the full article, click here.

March 11, 2022
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