Yousha Bashir | Exhibition: New Visions

Vantage Art Projects

Yousha Bashir has recently participated in New Visions, a group virtual show curated by artist Katie Neece, in conversation with Vantage Art Projects


"New Visions aims to explore the various modes and approaches taken by artists working within the scope of "post-digital art". This show is an examination of the way that "post-digital" does not have one singular definition, but with the rapid acceleration of technological means to iterate, create and explore - this definition of "post-digital" is a constantly shifting and morphing genre adapting and evolving within its current place in space and time. As it has throughout the history of art ΜΆ technology shapes and changes the way we see the world and the way we interpret it, and these influences whether consciously or subconsciously reflect in the work that is being produced in our current moment. New Visions was conceived in conversation with Vantage Art Projects and curated by artist Katie Neece."

March 23, 2021
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