
A solo presentation of works by Sepand Danesh

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Dastan's Basement is pleased to announce "Introduction to the Hub" on June 21, 2019. The exhibition will be open for public viewing through July 12. This is Sepand Danesh's first solo exhibition at "Dastan's Basement".Sepand Danesh (b. 1984, Tehran, Iran) lives and works in Paris.

Studying in Beaux Arts in Paris, Sepand Danesh has shown in several solo and group shows and his works are included in collections such as Fond National d'Art Contemporain.

In his works, he first fragments and then organizes all that constitutes his world by themedium of drawing, then he paints large canvases in which "The corner" is housed in thebackground represented by the convergence of two vertical planes, without ground norceiling. In this corner and above shelves, objects sit discreetly as if by magic but ratherthrough trompe l'oeil.

For "Introduction to the Hub", which is Sepand's first show at Dastan's Basement (and in Iran), a number of Danesh's paintings from different periods of his practice will be on display.