
An exhibiton of paintings and book by Ojan Zargarbashi 


Ojan ZargarbashiUntitled, 2015

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Dastan is pleased to announce Ojan Zargarbashi’s solo exhibition titled “Revelations” at Dastan’s Basement. The exhibition will be open for public viewing from September 7 through September 21, 2018. Part of this project was presented as Electric Room’s 21st project in January 2018.
Ojan Zargarbashi (b. 1976, Tehran, Iran) studied electronic engineering. Through the years, he has been active as an artist creating paintings, music and moving images, with his works, aside from the recent presentation at Electric Room and the current exhibition, having been exhibited in a solo show at Tehran’s Silk Road Gallery (2010), urban art projects and many group exhibitions.
He writes on the current exhibition: “Following on an obsession to extend myself in time towards the future, and seeking answers for my questions, I set foot in the future world. I travel to the future to observe a phantom of what I shall never see —to find myself in it. This is for me a beginning for dominance over time, or at least an illusion of it. The journey leads me to a distinct period I dub as “Intermedial Future”; a time that is not so close to be predictable for the current human being, and not so far away that could be only thought of as dark and nonexistent. The main search in the Intermedial Future is the search for the human (self) and what shall appear in their environment: What they shall obtain and what they shall lose; alas, I will replace them at one point.”
Ojan Zargarbashi continues: “In this curious and unreliable path, I shall take assistance from the very few available evidences, as well as what, until now, I have put my thoughts into. What uncovers the future is a double-sided process with rationality and educated predications approaching from one side and imagination from the other. Their combination takes one into an obsession; as though they sometimes confirm each other, taking each thought forward, often times they work in opposition, limiting progress and putting things to a halt. Indeed, it is a difficult task, as the more and the further I look, the more I am misled, and what I seek moves further away from me. I take inspirations from the past, explore into my desires, and learn from what I fear. The current project is a visual rendition of this search and perplexity. What I have obtained is turned into images constrained within forms and frames meticulously chosen to be the best possible delineations of my findings.”