Liste Art Fair Basel

Selections Art Magazine

Selections Magazine, a platform for the arts, focusing on the Arab World, picked its top eight works of Liste Art Fair Basel (June 13 – 19 , 2022). The Magazine believes that Liste, being a place for young international voices in art, mostly attended by young galleries, not only reflects our present, but helps create it. Focusing on younger galleries and international voices, the Magazine goes on to introduce Ali Meer Azimi's "Lipstick to the Void". Represented by Dastan's Gallery, "Lispstick to the Void" is an ongoing series that deals with a specified period of time that we call “at the moment”. Meer Azimi developed this concept studying the Iran-Iraq War and went on to create a sound area and installation piece in which the form and space are close to "at the moment". For more information click here.

June 16, 2022
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