"The Strangeness of Beauty" | Contributions by Aline Asmar d’Amman and Sam Samiee

Parasol Unit

In the 11th issue of The Strangeness of Beauty, Aline Asmar d'Amman and Sam Samiee respond to "questions surrounding the phenomena of beauty and strangeness within contemporary art practice". For more information click here.


From FAD Magazine: "Parasol unit has launched an online project The Strangeness of Beauty which examines the notion of aesthetics in contemporary art and each week we will present a new issue with contributions from invited artists, writers, curators and art professionals responding to questions surrounding the phenomena of beauty and strangeness within contemporary art practice. This online project curated by Ziba Ardalan, Founder, Artistic and Executive Director of Parasol unit, will continue until 10th March 2021 with a new issue published on Parasol unit's website each week."

March 11, 2021
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