Navid Azimi Sajadi | “Allegorical States”


Allegorical States encompasses three mixed-media installations by Navid Azimi Sajadi. Each installation generates its own aura, giving all three their own significance as single artworks, whilst also enhancing their meaning as a series. The combined installation can be seen as an indirect allegorical narration of the mind as it shifts from one state to another. This metamorphosis develops in three stages: firstly, by entering Serafino Nero (Black Seraphine), a 2D geometrical form that presents a constellation image using black felt along with10 glazed sgraffito ceramics. The second installation, The Anchored Chains, is the transfiguration rooted in topological and ambivalent synthesis, and finally lands in the embodiment of stillness and the bondage of the soul to the body The third installation titled Passaggi d’orati (The Golden Passage), presents a geometrical form that interconnects the two installations together. The traces of this passage connect the mind to the body. Allegorical States is a narration of Sajadi’s mind through the world of abstract notions and ideas in an effort to create, and embody, a whole corpus of work that allegorically manifests itself through these three stages.


Launch Event
After almost two years of hard work, Foundry will open it’s doors on the 20th of December 2020. The much-anticipated space will feature exhibitions and installations from Jeffar Khaldi, Navid Azimi Sadjadi, Goncalo Mabunda, Ayesha Hadhir, Rawdha Al Ketbi, Shaikha Al Ketbi, Saher Nasser. There will also be an exclusive, first-time showcase of the private photography collection of Khalid Shafar which is not to be missed.

January 4, 2021
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