A solo presentation of works by Ghasemi Brothers at Zaal Art Gallery [Focus Room 05].
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Zaal Art Gallery presents the fifth exhibition in its Focus Room series, “Blue Bird," a solo show by the Ghasemi Brothers, opening on August 29th and continuing through September 26th, 2024. The exhibition marks their 14th collaboration with Dastan and their sixth solo following “Darbedar-e Hamishegi" at Parallel Circuit, in 2024.

"Blue Bird" represents a significant evolution in the Ghasemi Brothers' work, reflecting their experimental and open-ended approach to art-making, which has been central to their collaboration since its inception in 2015. Initially characterized by a diversity of subjects and techniques, their work gradually honed in on specific themes, with a decreasing emphasis on literal depictions and a growing focus on the abstract interplay of color and form.

The current exhibition continues this trajectory of refinement and abstraction. What began with a broader exploration of themes like migration—illustrated through images of ships and passengers at sea, often accompanied by birds—has now distilled into a more focused examination of the symbolic role of birds within these narratives. In previous collections, birds served as background elements; now, they have taken center stage. "Blue Bird" narrows this focus further, often presenting a single bird or a small group against a backdrop where the boundaries between sky and sea blur, pushing the work towards a deeper level of abstraction.

Through this process, the Ghasemi Brothers have moved away from overtly representational art towards compositions where form and color dominate, creating works that resonate with both simplicity and depth. This exhibition reflects their continued commitment to exploring the limits of human experience and the potential for transcendence through art.