
A solo drawing and video exhibition by Termeh Yeghiazarian

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Dastan is pleased to announce the opening of Termeh Yeghiazarian’s solo exhibition titled “Tagging Home” at Dastan’s Basement. The exhibition will be open for public viewing from September 1 through 8, 2017. This is Termeh Yeghiazarian’s first exhibition at Dastan’s Basement. Her work has been exhibited in two solo exhibitions, several editions of “Burning Man”, and many group shows in the USA, Canada and Europe.
Termeh Yeghiazarian studied painting, printmaking and new media at the San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco, CA), Academy of Art College (San Francisco, CA), and School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, MA). Aside from her solo artistic career, she has participated in many collaborative art projects, taught at university, founded art collectives and events, designed theater sets, and published artist books. She lives and works in San Francisco Bay Area, California.
In the current project, “Tagging Home”, Termeh Yeghiazarian presents large and smaller drawings, videos and a charcoal mural of a house. The project focuses on an objective view towards identity, belonging and belongings. The artist explains: “Over the years, through objects that accumulate around us, and projections from others, including mass media, identity is put into perspective. In this sense, I’m exploring objects that have become iconic in my visual lexicon.”
A major part of the project has been inspired by the artist’s personal experience of immigration as well as observing voluntary or forced displacement of many millions. The artist states: “Displacement is one of the major issues of our time. Millions of people move due to different reasons and then, they make themselves a new home. I claim my place by tagging, installing, and drawing the iconic ‘home’ in arbitrary locations.”