
A solo presentation of paintings by Mirmohamad Fatahi

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Dastan is pleased to announce Mirmohamad Fatahi's solo exhibition titled "Wordless (Silent)" at Dastan's Basement. The exhibition will be open on January 24, 2020 and will be open for public viewing through February 14, 2020. This is the second solo exhibition at Dastan's Basement. His work has been previously exhibited at Dastan's Basement titled "An-denken". Mirmohammad Fattahi (b. 1987, Karaj, Iran) is a graduate of painting from Karaj school of Fine Arts and Soureh University (Tehran).

This series which has been created over the course of one year, along with his previous exhibition. Although "An-denken" has used a wide variety of techniques and materials such as watercolour, acrylic and oil paint, ink and pen, but the artist has limited his works to oil painting on canvas in his recent series.

In "Wordless", Fattahi's subject was death and his inquiry about it, so he had perceived the relation between human beings and the world from the aspect of death. This had been expressed with the "Presence of death" in his previous series. The presence has been posed in the shape of a dead character. However, his current series holds a focal point of creating situations instead of characterising that.

Eternal archetypes of fish, sheep, birds and etc that per se suspended in being/non- existence and scrutinise in details which estranged with composition. But now, we see the situation compositions without details. Whatever that was unnecessary is omitted in "Wordless" series. Heaven and earth are separated and as Fattahi says "Characters are released between them".

What we encounter with in "Wordless" is formal prolegomena that tries to compatibles composition with the content of death. Perhaps characters freed to find their situation and in parallel colours and their combinations allowed to paint music on canvas.